Thursday, January 3, 2013

China Marker girl -

LOOK - a super colorful girl!  She was started on an extra background that I had made some time back - it is always good to make multiple backgrounds when you have all the stencils/sprays out - then you have a place to start on a day like today. . . 
This was definitely a mixed media kinda design with acrylic paint/sprays/markers/neocolors and a China Marker.  What is a China Marker you may ask?  Let's have Wikipedia answer that question. . .
The grease pencil, a wax writing tool also known as a wax pencilchina marker, (or chinagraph pencil in the United Kingdom), is made of hardened colored wax and is useful for marking on hard, glossy non-porous surfaces such as porcelainglasspolished stoneplasticceramics and other glazedlacquered or polished surfaces, as well as the glossy paper that is used for photographic printing (particularly for contact sheets), x-rays, and for marking edits on analog audio tape and film. It is also used to label theatrical lighting gels. It is often used as a construction or handyman's marking tool as it rarely scratches the surface it is used on. It may be used to mark a wet surface. They are also favored among some traditional artists. Due to its ability to write on glass, it is often used in chemistry labs to mark glassware.
The house is getting littered with my girls again - I've started taping them to my craft cabinet in the corner of the kitchen - Now they can stare at us while we eat dinner. . .
I think I gravitate to drawing girls since it is my antidote to all the testosterone in this house!!   Plus - girls are way prettier and more fun to draw than boys anyway.  Draw some long locks and luscious lips on a male and they get all wigged out about it!


Unknown said...

I love her hair and those little white dots are so twinkly. There is something about her gaze that is so arresting and personal. Just beautiful.

Tracey FK said...

I love chinagraphs... Phantom and I used to spend hours decorating the windows when she was little... and I haven't used one in years... going to have to hunt one down now... thanks for the inspiration and showing you the girls on your cabinet... they look amazing grouped like that...xx

Anne Manda said...

Beautiful, she looks like she has a secret! Yes, girls can have make up, fancy hair and what not - fun! HPPF!

Netty said...

Loving your latest girl and cupboard front looks so good with them all hanging there. Happy PPF, Annette x

Ivy said...

Oh,I just love your girl and her hair is so fab! Happy PPF!

WrightStuff said...

I'm addicted to drawing and painting girls too. Don't you just love the way they form on the page each with their own distinct personality?

Love the colours on this one - she's so pretty :)

Robin Panzer Art said...

I love the sassy expression you've captured her, it makes me want to have a conversation with her "Hey Girlfriend, what's up?" LOL Happy PPF great art

Marji said...

I think the girls grouped on the cabinet look stunning together. Its fun to hang our own art in our homes. Well done. Happy PPF

Debbie said...

Beautiful work. Your background is fabulous! I live in a house full of boys, too, so I know exactly what you're talking about!

alarmcat said...

my dad used to keep grease pencils around...i had forgotten about them. haven't seen one in years!!

very cool, your china marker girl!

i love that you display your artwork in your kitchen. so nice to see them grouped that way.

Janet said...

She has such a soft, gentle face...and her hair is fantastic. Love her!!

wednesday said...

She is really beautiful.

I love china markers, and order them two dozen at a time. Peeling paper wrapper perfectly might be an obsession of mine.

Dandelion and Daisy said...

Fun and colorful, just the kind of woman I'd want to hang out with!

Mary C. Nasser said...

Your portraits are great, Michelle!
I especially love this one with all its marvelous patterns and colors!
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art

Kimberly Jones said...

She's so pretty! And I love how the background peeks through in her hair!

hope said...

She is so lovely, stunning!

Teddi said...

she's very pretty! :)

Julie Gillespie said...

Thanks so much for commenting on my blog post that I linked to Julie's Art Journal post. I love your work! Beautiful faces!

Unknown said...

Adoro la tua arte, bellissimi colori! I am new folloewrs!
Happy PPF!

Amber said...

Hi quick question for you. Are the colors china markers also? I am looking for more colored china markers besides the standard blue, green, red and yellow. Thanks