My first girl painted directly into my "new to me" old ledger. Funny - my MIL was completely flabbergasted that I had bought this ledger through the internet.
MIL - "You bought this through the internet?!!"
ME - "Why yes I did - there is no end to the things you can buy online. Look at these old flash cards I got too. . ."
MIL - "Seriously - you bought this online??" (said with confused face)
ME - "Yes"
MIL - "Honey - she bought this ledger online. . ."
A person who isn't into mixed media can get sad at how we repurpose "new to us" old/worn ephemera - my husband still cringes when I tear pages out of old books. However, to his credit, he doesn't scream, "WHY?!!" any longer - hee hee.
Oh, I love this painting, so vibrant! Are you art journaling with Julie Fei-Fan Balzer? I have just started journaling, and don't quite have the hang of it yet. I knew she started it 2 years ago, but didn't know she was continuing. Have great fun!
Bellissimo , lo sguardo intenso e l'armonia dei colori!
I still can't let myself tear an old book...
What a beautiful work you made here!
Wonderful painting, love the paint embellishments and colors you use. Too funny about the story of the ledger being bought online! LOL
Happy PPF!
How sad that girl off, Saludos
Beautiful piece, love the original touch! HPPF!
Loving your beautiful artwork. Happy PPF, Annette x
your post did make me giggle! fabulous work as always. x
Ha! Great conversation with your MIL! I've had similar! I love what you did though! Beautiful woman. Nicely done! Thanks for sharing.
All part of the adventures of art making! We could all do a journal on the strange reactions we get to our "treasures". "you bought that?"said in bewilderment. It all add to the fun!
This is gorgeous! Love your work.
I love your work!...and repurposing map and book pages into mixed-media art, too!!
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art
I'm trying really hard to get over my phobia of tearing pages out of books. I keep telling myself that I am repurposing paper - Beautiful work in your old ledger. Looking forward to seeing more. Happy PPF
Lovely! My husband still cringes and feels we are violating art by tearing someone's book! HPPF.
She's wearing my favorite color!
Being the book lover that I am it took me a long time before I could casually rip pages out of an old book. Now I happily rip and tear!
loving the sparkles in her hair, her woeful expression, and the hint of a mask around her eyes. Beautiful. Happy PPF! always!
I love this painting...very unique and happy!! I still have difficulty ripping pages from a book that's not a magazine.... old school I guess... I know it's silly!!
Hugs Giggles
So funny! I love this girl and her hair is so cool!
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