Sunday, May 25, 2014

"Look Ma, no pencil!"

When I draw I tend to lean heavily on my addiction to pencil/eraser.  However, I've recently read more and more blogs by artists I admire that never use pencil - they just wing it. So I got brave and tried it out myself and Look!!  She's cute - go figure!
Linking to Sunday Sketches and


Ginny said...

She's great. So glad you took a chance and tried it.

Lisabella Russo said...

She's really cute! I too love my eraser, but I'm not brave enough to let it go...

alarmcat said...

she looks great!!

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

I love the strong graphic feel of this portrait. I love pens, but I have to admit I usually start with a very basic outline in pencil to get my proportions right. Therefore, I admire your gutsiness. Blessings!

AM Zafaran said...

She's definitely cute, has a strong expression! Great that you stepped out to find newer methods of drawing!

Alicia C said...

She is awesome! I love the way the line is strong. Is that a zebra pen?

Misti said...

She's great! I need to try to step outside the box & do the same.

Viola said...

Yes, she is lovely! A good work you've done here! I always need an eraser too, but you now managed without! :)

veronica said...

love your pencil-less drawing! great job, winging it!

DVArtist said...

Space Queen she is fabulous!!! Her eyes are what stand out for me. The are perfect. Ahhhh and no pencil great job and a brave soul. Have a great weekend