Sunday, May 19, 2013

The shy tennis player. . .

She found meeting new people to be nerve-wracking but keeping her favorite picture of an Orchard Oriole nearby allowed her to have a conversation starter that she was comfortable with. . .

Linking to Sunday Sketches


veronica said...

cute tennis outfit!

Sandy said...

Big smile on my face!!!! I love it.

lissa said...

love her hair. it's a lovely sketch.

hope you have a sweet day.

Tammie Lee said...

i love the bit about the bird....
the angels of her face and hair are wonderful.

Lisabella Russo said...

What a sweet sketch! I too am shy in real life, perhaps I need a sweet little birdie too...

Tracey FK said...

Love that she had a conversation starter along to ease her way... great sketch...xx

Janet said...

Your shy girl is a cutie with that turned up hair.

poppylocke said...

This is lovely - great style! Especially her hair!