"There is nothing like a dream to create the future." - Victor Hugo
The topic for Illustration Friday this week is FUTURE. An old ledger has been serving as my art journal for a few months now and made me ponder what the future held for people living in the 1950's.
Space travel was a big theme so I decided to sketch and paint a rocket boy headed to the moon.
Look closely by the moon. . . This ledger page was written in 1956 - 13 years before man landed on the moon. An event that seems so long ago to us was still in the future to the previous owners of this ledger.
Linking to Paper Saturdays,
Sunday Sketches, and
very nice take on the theme!
A very nice picture with a very nice story.
Liefs, Melanie
I wonder what the future brings for us in Space travel. There's talk of settlers on Mars (but you can't come back which is the downer!).
Love your piece. Very cleverly done with the old ledger. Like it a lot.
what a fascinating concept! I just watched Midnight in Paris last night about travelling back in time - in that we are always nostalgic for a period in time which seemed better than the one we live in now. It was a really interesting idea because the man went back to 1920s Paris which was ideal for him but he met a girl there who longed for the 1890s when she thought Paris was best and those in 1890 wished for the renaissance period (it was all about artists and writers) I love that you are using such an old ledger and the 1950s is definitely the era I wished I lived in!
Dazzling creation ~ darling on the ledger paper ~
Happy Day ^_^
Very cute, love the idea! <3
This is so sweet I love it Happy Paper Saturdays!
What a fun page!!
Such a sweetly nostalgic page!
Oooh, I love how you used this old ledger - and you're right - how funny to look at history / the future in this way. AND another aspect - YOU are creating a new life for the old ledger. I LOVE your colorful page and your color personality! So fun right? I was in the blue family, xo!
Oooh, I love how you used this old ledger - and you're right - how funny to look at history / the future in this way. AND another aspect - YOU are creating a new life for the old ledger. I LOVE your colorful page and your color personality! So fun right? I was in the blue family, xo!
I love this cute post!!! It is so beautiful! It makes me feel happy immediately :) thank you!
This is so cute and very retro! Love the idea behind it!
wow! his helmet is perfectly round!!
dave just told me yesterday that the movie Home Alone was closer to the moon landing than us today. how sad is that?! i feel so old!
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