Saturday, June 1, 2013

Why Wendy wears a sponge on her head. . .

Wendy found it to be less stressful to wear a sponge on her head than to worry about the number of towels she was using. . .

Sometimes these girls seem to take on a life of their own.
Intended for this girl to be blonde from the beginning and in my mind painting her hair light yellow on top would look like highlights. . .
Decided to add texture with some squiggles that ended up being strange little holes - or some kind of weird brain material.
Found a couple of fun book quotes after Caleb commented that it looked like a sponge on her head. . .  BTW - These Stabilo pencils are a favorite of mine to add details at the end of my pictures - they write on paper, glass, etc. and are water-soluble. Have every color but the green one - not sure how that one got overlooked.
Made four girls with the same stenciled background (Crafters Workshop ECHOES stencil designed by Julie Fei-Fan Balzer).  Definitely got my money's worth even if I never use it again but really - what are the chances of that? 
Linking to Sunday Sketches,


Maria Medeiros said...

Absolutely lovely! I love the sponge texture in her hair! Very cute! :D Wonderful!

Lynn Cohen said...

Lovely ladies all!

Melanie said...

Thats a fun wa to solve the hair problem. Love the backgrounds and heads a lot.
Liefs, Melanie

alarmcat said...

love this series of girls! all so unique. the stencil really helps to make the faces pop on the page!!

Unknown said...

oh these are so beautiful!!!! love the faces and the textures!!!! well done!!!!

Janet said...

She's adorable! Her sponge hair is perfect.

Tam Hess said...

That sponge makes me giggle! SO cute...Love your faces. Happy SS!

Joni Nickrent said...

Hey, maybe I should try the sponge on my head! :) Too fun! Loving your girls! Happy SS

AM Zafaran said...

Each girl looks special! The blue haired one is my fav, I love the pearls in her hair!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I came from CED, and I love your little girls. Yes, I think you'll use that stencil many times!

Chris Twyman and Angela said...

the sponge girl makes us smile.

Anne Manda said...

Very cute and very creative! Love that background stencil!

Monique said...

She looks so sweet. I love the texture of the "sponge" on her head.

poppylocke said...

I love her sponge hair! Wonderful colours!

Liz said...

Love the sponge hair.

Liz (yacb)

Unknown said...

Beautiful ladies... :)

Ayala Art said...

I thought more like an orange bath cap, not a sponge hehehe She is adorable, and the other ladies are beautiful :o)

Tracey FK said...

I am enjoying the titles of your posts... and maybe I need to go find a sponge to wear when I get stressed... I think it looks quite fetching... sorry I am late getting here this week.... have no clue where the time has gone...xx

Anonymous said...

Absolutely love your girls!

Anonymous said...

What lovely girls!!! I love them all... and I like the little story about her with the sponge :)

storybeader said...

great looking portraits! They remind me of stamps, with that great color! {:-Deb

Deborah Weber said...

How utterly delightful all the portraits are, but sponge-head truly captures my heart.

Kristin said...

Well now, those are so cuties! And I love the use of the same background with different colors - and her freckles!
SO happy to have you play along with the Summer of Color this year - thank you!! xoxo