It had been at least 25 years since I had knitted. Not that I was ever any amazing knitter, mind you, but still I had made my share of scarves back in the day (and 3/4 of a sweater). Nowadays the very best dishcloths are knitted or crocheted from cotton yarn and my mom has stocked my kitchen with a variety of them (Love them all - THANKS MOM!!) It was time for me to try my hand at making some as gifts so I dove in last Friday night with gusto - knitted 7 straight hours that day followed by 3 hours the following morning. The knitting groove came right back to me - I was on fire - it all seemed like a great idea until later that afternoon. . .

I was in agony - chronic pain from my shoulders through down to my fingertips. Normally, I can handle pain (I gave birth naturally to our second son. Quote from my MIL - "You didn't cuss - not even once!!") but this was different. I got a massage from one of those guys in a chair in the middle of the mall in hopes that it would help my pain and it worked!! He made my neck and back hurt as much if not more than my arms!! The evening involved painkillers, Bengay applied down the length of the inside of my arms and eventually the cold wrap on both arms from wrists to elbows leaving me with mummy arms! BTW - Did I mention that it was our anniversary weekend and I spoiled our "alone time" by breaking myself??!!

Public Service Announcement - If I can keep even one knitter from suffering these same injuries and depriving their husband of an enjoyable kidfree weekend than the sharing of my tale of woe will be worth it. . . Sunday I limited myself to 30 minute stretches of knitting followed by 30 minutes of rest. I am now fully recovered but itching to start knitting again - I will try to use some balance this time around. . . LOL!!
Did you know that Interweave has announced a blog contest?? It was serendipitous that I had posted about my return to knitting but you should seriously think about posting about your knitting project on your blog! You could win up to $200 worth of merchandise from their amazing online store. If I were to win I'd indulge in some fabulous mixed-media goodies including: Inktense Pencils, Inktense Blocks and classes like Julie Fei-Fan Balzer's All About Faces and Jane Davenport's The Whimsical Face. Drawing girls makes me happy and Interweave has gobs of merchandise to facilitate that love!
If you enter leave me a comment - I'd love to see your project!