Sunday, January 12, 2014

"Fancy a Chinese?"

While cleaning up the detritus of our Chinese dinner I picked up the bag that it came in - gorgeous, thick, brown paper that was just begging to be used as more than garbage. . . so I did. 
My family is used to me cutting up the "garbage" to draw on - our younger son brings me interesting wrappers on a regular basis - things he thinks would be cool to collage with other pieces - like the saying from the cookie that I put with the girl.
Our English friends say, 'Fancy an Indian or do you fancy a Chinese?" when deciding what to order for take-out food.  It always made me picture picking up an actual person to eat with us - not just getting the food.  Tickles me so much that I've adopted the saying too!
Linking to Sunday Sketches,


Helen said...

A great way of recycling paper - love it and I love your drawing too.

I'm from the UK and thinking of it, I guess it does sound funny saying 'fancy an indian' :) never thought of it like that before!

Happy SS

WrightStuff said...

Apologies if you get this twice - blogger doing funny things.

All this talk of takeaways has made me 'fancy a Chinese' LOL.

I am like you and keep bits of paper ... and string and rusty things and ...

Lisabella Russo said...

How beautiful she is! What a cute saying too.

Jane Wetzel said...

this is gorgeous and love that u did it on a paper have me trying the hair like that artist you just blogged about :) thanks for the inspiration

Jane Wetzel said...

this is gorgeous and love that u did it on a paper have me trying the hair like that artist you just blogged about :) thanks for the inspiration

poppylocke said...

I love the linework in your drawing, and great recycling work too!

AM Zafaran said...

Exquisite face! Love the colors you have used on the brown bag! :-) Looking forward to "Fancy an Indian" painting too!

Kimberly Jones said...

Great drawing Michelle! I love how your mind sees the potential for art everywhere! We always say we're going to eat Chinese - food not people. Obviously we are hilarious!