Saturday, April 20, 2013

SHE - Flash Card sketch

Got together with my good friend Kim yesterday for gabbing/shopping (the things we do best) and she gifted me with some fabulous ephemera including some vintage LONG flashcards.  A simple sketch with pencil/ink seemed just the thing to illustrate the word SHE.
The one on top is the original size of the card.  I couldn't bear to waste the "she" on the other side so I trimmed it down and rounded the corners and now have a smaller salvaged piece to use later.  Kim gave me the lecture that ephemera is to use and not to hoard so maybe I'll use the entire card next time - seems rather decadent though. . . 
Linking to Paper Saturdays and


Paulette said...


sharon said...

Wonderful match.

Maria Medeiros said...

Wonderful! Very inspirational!

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

I love the strong graphic lines in your drawing, and it looks marvelous in that vintage flashcard. Happy Paper Saturday!

Judith said...

yeah, it's hard not to hoard. There's always more stuff though!

Unknown said...

Brilliantly it :)

Anne Manda said...

Love the graphic quality and simplicity!<3

Melanie said...

So beautyfull. Love these kind of drawings.
Liefs, Melanie

Unknown said...

I am REALLY bad at hoarding craft things, or paper... Really bad. I might be a hoarder... No wait, there aren't things up to my ceiling. So we're good! haha. I love the drawing that you did of "she" fantastic!


Wonderful Job. Absolutely Amazing
Here's my Work
}{appy Sunday !!

Debbie said...

Love the sketch! Happy SS!

manomij said...

Yes do use it! However I do understand the hoarding part because I do the same. Happy Paper Saturdays!

Anonymous said...

What a great gift ~ can visualize lots of creative uses ~ enjoy ^_^

Unknown said...

love your flashcard sketch!!! well done!!!!

Victoria said...

Super gorgeous..such beautiful and strong presence she embodies..fantastic work!

Clare Lloyd said...

What a lovely idea and great illustration.

Unknown said...

Yes, definately use it! And what a nice piece you've created!

Valerie-Jael said...

Lovely piece, it's good to use your ephemera (although I do like to keep a closet full for emergencies....) Valerie

bellefrogworks said...

Very cool - good for you. You used it right away!

Unknown said...

That is simply fantastic!

janice smith said...

Oh! You are so brave to cut and sketch on that beautiful card. I'm so glad you did though...Now it is even more lovely! SHE is wonderful!

veronica said...

love it! looks great on the oblong card!

Anonymous said...

OMG, maybe we should start an ephemera hoarders anonymous group!