Saturday, August 31, 2013

Embarrassed Girl. . .

While pursuing good physical fitness was certainly admirable, the effects of seeing things "that can't be unseen" was taking its toll. . .

(yup, another instance where I've cracked myself up!!  LOL)
Linking to Sunday Sketches,


Unknown said...

Wow, she is gorgeous, beautifully done and like the words too... :)

Jehanne's doodles said...

Oh she is so pretty. And the words, too true :)

Ginny said...

I was going to say I like her lips and eyes (which I do) but then I realized that I really like the whole sketch. She is very pretty. Love the words.

Lynn Cohen said...

Oh dear, you have taken me on a ride back to the past, junior high and high school locker room memories, worst still were those at the swimming pool where we had to strip down completely!Oh the fear of having my too skinny body seen (today I'd say in all it's splendor, but then no, I did not see it that way at all). the shame of it.

You have created a wonderful sketch here, expressive and beautifully done!

janice smith said...

Love it! What a gorgeous girl this is. xo, janice

Elizabeth Rose Stanton said...

Evocative sketch!

Heather Foust said...

Beautiful sketch!