Sunday, March 17, 2013

DORA and her glasses . . .

Theodora (known as Dora to her friends) found no comfort in the fact that her namesake and former President also suffered from myopia. 
Is it obnoxious to admit that I totally crack myself up sometimes??!!  This girl has been making me laugh all night - LOVE that mouth.  The topic at IF is eyeglasses and since I had no idea how to draw them I decided to make them from wire.


Judith said...

very cute! Reminds me of myself in 5th grade!

Unknown said...

She is a riot! She does not look comforted by the new that Theodore Roosevelt also wore glasses. I love that you actually made he a pair from wire. She's just great!!

Elizabeth Rose Stanton said...

Yes! Forget the glasses--the prompt for the week should have been "mouth!" You'd be picked, hands down :) She is hilarious, though, and the glasses are great!

manomij said...

Hahahahahaha wonderful! I so love this :)

Unknown said...

I LOVE her grumpy little face! It is funny! Great work!

iHanna said...

Found you via Julie's, and love this and all the faces there. You have an awesome drawing style! Thanks for sharing!

PaintingWrite said...

No wonder you were laughing to yourself - that mouth is awesome!! Hilarious. She looks so unimpressed!

Cynthia Patterson said...

LOL.... I love her expression....she's great...


Tam Hess said...

Yup, her expression is so awesome! Cracks me up too. xoxo

Unknown said...

Oh gosh... I love this! Especially the mouth!
I am just working (practicing) on faces... None in my art journal yet- still on scrap paper, but getting close to my 1st attempt. I love your style!

Unknown said...

Her mouth is fabulous! Love her, love your story, love those glasses.

veronica said...

i think her glasses show off her beautiful eyes! love the mouth too!

Tracey FK said...

that is classic... the mouth is perfect... how hilarious...xx

Maron said...

I smile when I look at this gal and I love that it cracks you up as you create...emotion is art!