Sunday, October 5, 2014

Digital stripes girl. . .

I sketched this girl the other day and decided to use the computer to have some fun with the background.  Do these stripes look familiar?  Last month I posted the picture below with a girl painted directly onto the stripes but beforehand I scanned the painted book page into my computer.
Photoshop Elements allowed me to add the stripes to the background of my newly sketched girl.  Do you use digital manipulation much with your art?  Do you consider it cheating since that actual piece doesn't exist anywhere outside of my computer (or if I print it out)?  Can it be considered cheating if I painted/sketched each piece though and then morphed them together?  
I'd love to know your thoughts on this. . .

Linking to Sunday Sketches and


Michelle said...

I would never have thought to scan the stripes in the first place! Brilliant idea! I think it counts - it's all your art. ;-) I don't think there is any "cheating" in art, unless you are stealing another's work, and that is a completely different question. I love this girl, as I love all your girls. I started drawing some girls the other day, using yours as inspiration... it's going to be a while before I am at a stage I can share, lol!

Christine said...

Neat digital background, goes well with your sketch!

pauline said...

I'm with Michelle - this is definitely not cheating.
Copying someone else's work is a different story, but what you did here was brilliant & creative. Whatever feels right for you! Your faces always amaze me. Oh, and i love the one with the blotches of colour in the corner... beautiful contrasts. xx

maryhansenrn said...

Art. It's art. Your's is great. Thanks for your blog!