Saturday, March 7, 2015

Bike riding in the moonlight

Can you tell what the background of this girl is??  I see a lot of artists using security envelopes in their collage work so I thought it would be fun to use it as a background for a girl doodle. 
The best part of all is when I was done and folded up the envelope - look what I found!!
It was a total surprise to see her peeking out the window - I couldn't have done that on purpose if I tried!!  Made me so happy that I worked on finding a book quote that would work for the front and inside of the envelope.

Linking to Sunday Sketches and


ColourFly said...

Wow, this is incredible! Love it! Happy Sunday!

Viola said...

Beautiful! I used one envelope, not security I think, as a collage. When I had water on my brush and touched the envelope it became a looovely color, sort of teal. I was surprised!

Janet said...

Serendipity at work! I love it. And the quote is perfect.

Unknown said...

Hehe, this is great, and what a coincidence that she ended up peeking out the window!

Lorraine said...

what a free spirit to go riding in the moonlight..sounds idyllic to me and I love her peeking out..great sketch

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

LoVe how you worked that envelope ~ fantastic!

Ileana said...

Brilliant! Love your work and the eyes peeking out the window. Don't you just love happy accidents?

veronica said...

Ha! Love it! Great hair too!

Christine said...

very cute how she ends up peeking out the window!

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

This is way too cool! Your sketch is wonderful, and the envelope use brilliant. Blessings!

alarmcat said...

LOVE it!!

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful creation ~ unique and lovely!

Happy Week to you,
artmusedog and carol

Dreaming of Vintage said...

I love your cute, unique piece of art!

Unknown said...

How creative! Love it!

Giggles said...

Gorgeous!! I love the wonderful result!! And wow I admire how small the painting is and still so fabulous!

Hugs Giggles

My Art Adventures said...

Love the way she is peaking through the window of the envelope.....don't you love happy accidents!