Sunday, April 19, 2015

Toast girl. . .

I must be peculiar - can't think of the last time I had toast - it isn't that I don't like it - just don't ever think to make it.  However, when we visited friends in England several years ago they totally lived up to the stereotypical idea of toast eating people.
Are you "toast-er"??
Linking to Sunday Sketches and


Christine said...

She is so pretty! I try not to eat too much toast, carbs you know.

alarmcat said...

i'm more of a bagel kinda girl :)

lovely drawing today!

Lisabella Russo said...

That's really sweet and lovely! I like toast, but I don't eat it often...

PaperOcotilloStudio said...

Adorable girl :) I like toast but it seems to be an on again off again thing. I made some the other day and decided my toaster needed crumb cleaning which set off a whole fury of cleaning was such a waste of creating time LOL. Visiting from Creative Everyday :)

Kristin said...

Ooooh I LOVE this!!! Your girl - and her hat - is adorable and I LOVE the toast comment - so clever and funny! xoox

Kim Dellow said...

Totally gorgeous! Your faces are lovely and I've just hooked up with you pinterest account and you have so many fabulously useful pins, thank you for sharing!
I was wondering if you would fancy linking up some of your faces on my Art it Friday - Show Your Face blog post? I've just discovered the joy of drawing and painting faces and I'm hoping that a face drawing community will build to help inspire each other along the way?
I'm glad to have found your blog, have a nice weekend.