Friday, November 30, 2012

AEDM (Day 30) - Painted Leaf

 "Your worth consists in what you are and not in what you have." - Thomas Edison
Today is the last day of Art Every Day Month and I managed to post something everyday except one - whoo hoo!  A big thanks to Leah for sponsoring such a great challenge that brings together so many like-minded creative people!
 I was inspired by a leaf by Alisa Burke and added some whitewashing to tone the colors down just a bit. 
Check out all the creativity on Art Every Day Month
Linking to Paint Party Friday, Artists in Blogland and Art Journal Every Day.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

AEDM (Day 29) - Drippy girl

This poor girl is a hot mess of splats, drips and scribbles using markers, crayons, paint, ink, sprays, etc.
Obviously, there is truth to the old adage, "Less is More" - I'll try to remember that for the future. . .
Check out all the creativity on Art Every Day Month

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

AEDM (Day 28) - Shavonne

 Corey has named this girl, "Shavonne" - I, however, think she looks like a "Roxanne".  Either way she is a woman of great confidence to sport this fabulous blue hair!!
Her hair wasn't even dry when I took the picture.  I like that the paint isn't smooth and I had fun with all the scribbled lines.
Check out all the creativity on Art Every Day Month

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

AEDM (Day 27) - Girl with long neck in red shirt. . .

Julie Fei-Fan Balzer has been posting faces on her blog that were inspired by the book 100 Girls on Cheap Paper.  I've got that book too and Tina Berning is a genius in the way she can just loosely paint a gorgeous girl.  This is my attempt at this style that I painted tonight. . .
What I particularly love is the fact that I only used 3 items - Stabilo pencil, Neocolor crayon and Sharpie white paint pen.  
 She has a l-o-n-g neck but I think that it suits her and her cute hair!  Here's a link to another face I did in this style a couple months back. . .
Check out all the creativity on Art Every Day Month

Monday, November 26, 2012

AEDM (Day 26) - Necklace

Last night I got a wild hair and decided that I wanted to do some beading - so I got all my stuff out and looked at my beautiful bead collection, gazed with love upon my charms and findings and then ended up making a very simple necklace - without any beading. . .
Ended up only using a couple of tools to fashion the leather cord for my pendant to hang from. TIP - layering two different elements (like a piece of shell and a metal flower embellishment) together can give a "bigger" profile to a pendant while still staying simple and clean. 
Here I am sporting my new creation before toddling off to work this AM.  Look how happy I am in the mornings?!! 
Check out all the creativity on Art Every Day Month

Sunday, November 25, 2012

AEDM (Day 25) - Whiskers

The Illustration Friday topic this week is WHISKERS and I at first thought of drawing a little critter with whiskers but then had the idea to carve a stamp with a whiskery greeting. . .
 Sketched my little dude out on vellum and transferred to my stamp medium for carving. 
Stamped him in mustard ink first and then reinked the beard/hair parts and used a stamp positioner to line him up for a cool contrast.
 Made a set of cards while I was at it - you never know when someone will need a whiskery "hi".
Check out all the creativity on Art Every Day Month

Saturday, November 24, 2012

AEDM (Day 24) - Work in Progress

All I have to share today is a sneak peek at a work in progress that just got started - might end up really cool - might end up really bad!  Only time will tell . . .
Check out all the creativity on Art Every Day Month

Friday, November 23, 2012

AEDM (Day 23) - Girl with Teal Hair

I am sleepy and the girl I drew this evening appears to be a bit sleepy herself.  While proud that I created another girl directly in my art journal - it wasn't until it dried and I turned the page that I realized that the India ink dots leaked through the paper - guess I will be using gesso on the next few pages!
 Quote is from Eugenio Montale.
Check out all the creativity on Art Every Day Month

Thursday, November 22, 2012

AEDM (Day 22) - Stalwart Girl

"Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm." - Abraham Lincoln


Loyal, reliable, and hardworking: "he remained a stalwart supporter of the cause".

  She dyed a streak of purple in her hair to shake up her stalwart reputation. . .
Check out all the creativity on Art Every Day Month

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

AEDM (Day 21) - Post-it Doodle

Some days there is nothing but a doodle on a post-it at work to represent your creativity.  A doodle makes it onto your blog when it is Art Every Day Month and a girl is desperate!  Something is better than nothing. . .
Check out all the creativity on Art Every Day Month

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

AEDM (Day 20) - Conte Girl

Do you read the Artist Daily newsletter?  Not only is it informative but from time to time they feature free offers from their Trusted Partners.  Today I received two of the new Conte pastel pencils that will be released in 2013.
Please note that I am ALWAYS a sucker for a letter that starts with "Dear Artist" - 
Anyhoo - I decided to play with them within about 30 minutes of opening the envelope and ended up with a girl that looks, according to Caleb, as if "she spent too long in the taffy pulling machine".  Yes, her head is long and narrow -  
but look what happens if you  take a picture from another angle- just right!!  I'm not familiar with Conte pencil and it is pretty chalky but was fun to work with and seems to be pretty secure with a spray or two of Workable Fixative. . . 
Check out all the creativity on Art Every Day Month

Monday, November 19, 2012

AEDM (Day 19) - Leger Girl

"Sometimes she wished his favorite mode on the camera wasn't always ZOOM. . ."
 A Fernand Leger painting inspired this colorful girl - 
 who was painted directly into my art journal with acrylic paints and India ink.  
She turned out even better than I had envisioned.  I realize that this type of look isn't for everyone but the clean, graphic lines and bold colors are really making me happy!!
Check out all the creativity on Art Every Day Month

Sunday, November 18, 2012

AEDM (Day 18) - Stencil girl

I asked Connor what words he'd use to describe this girl and he said, "Confused. . .thinking. . . staring. . . ambivalence"
I was just thinking about how she had a really long thin nose and rather sad eyes - cute hair though. . .

The background was fun - a few random stencils and Inkadinkado spray ink (I still had some purple on my fingers this morning - strong stuff!)
Check out all the creativity on Art Every Day Month

Saturday, November 17, 2012

AEDM (Day 17) - Red/Green Beetle

Mom has requested six insects and this is number four!  Two more to go. . .
I spent most of the afternoon "blaking" - which is my word for raking the leaves with a blower (blow + rake = blake).  Now the leaves in the back yard are in HUGE piles waiting to get magically transported to the curb at the front of the house - Guess I'll be spending most of tomorrow afternoon moving the HUGE piles of leaves.  It is nice to see green in the backyard again instead of only leaves!
Check out all the creativity on Art Every Day Month

Friday, November 16, 2012

AEDM (Day 16) - Pinterest inspired page

Thought I'd interrupt the regularly schedule program of girl faces and beetles with a Pinterest inspired art journal page.  Do you love Pinterest?!  I do - although it can definitely be a time waster if you aren't careful and I waste enough time looking around in blog world as it is. . . 
Broke up the white with some random bits of Washi tape (A Muse Studio) on the borders and some ink splats.  Currently I feel that all things are improved with ink spots (including my computer screen - I have got to be more careful with that ink!!)
Colors are courtesy of the current Play Date Cafe Challenge.  Word stickers are from Tim Holtz idea-ology.
Check out all the creativity on Art Every Day Month