Thursday, November 1, 2012

AEDM - Max Sketch

I've hemmed and hawed - dawdled and procrastinated but I am finally making a commitment to Art Every Day Month sponsored by Creative Every Day.  
Leah has been hosting this challenge for over 10 years now and when I checked tonight there were already 123 people signed up!  The importance of this challenge is to do something creative every day - that part isn't hard but posting every day is!!  Rest assured that if there are days with no post there was still creative stuff going on!  My first AEDM post is a quick sketch I did of my nephew, Max.  I wish I had done it on better paper - I was doodling his name but then before I knew it a little Max was standing on top!
Check out all the creativity on Art Every Day Month


Leah said...

I'm so glad you joined in! I love your sketch of Max. Looks like he's got a lot of personality. :-)

veronica said...

I love his little feet! Very cute!