Saturday, January 19, 2013

Illustration Friday - MYTH

You  know how they say that you shouldn't food shop when you are hungry?
Obviously, the same rule should apply to sketching - don't do it when you are crabby.  Unless, of course, it is your goal to make a seriously disgruntled girl that no amount of purple glitter or faux doily hair bauble can make look pretty!
She is illustrating the MYTH (Illustration Friday) that "you can do it all" - ya right!!
Just about the time you start thinking you've got things kinda together you end up with an
enormous headache, a car with the VOLT light on (new alternator?? - won't know until we can get it into a garage on Monday) AND a washing machine whose drain pump goes out on the first load of laundry and had to be manually drained by hand.  This was followed by a trip to the laundromat today.  The part is ordered  but won't ship until Monday - hence no dryer until Wednesday or Thursday.
Trust me - I realize that my paltry problems are nothing in the big scheme of things but I cannot be trusted to "draw happy" when I am crabby - - - so there!
Sunday Sketches.


Michelle said...

Michelle, is it wrong that your grumpy girl gave me a big smile? :-) The facial expression is so perfect for your situation! I hope the car and the washing machine are fixed soon! My washing machine water inlet died when I was heavily pregnant, leaving me to manually FILL the machine for a few weeks while I waited for the repair man to come and do his magic. I was still thankful that the rest was automatic, and that I didn't have to wash the way my Grandma did! LOL!

Debbie Clandening said...

I love her little face, love her hair clip

Netty said...

Terrific expression, she definitely is portraying how you are feeling.
Happy PPF, Annette x

Siggadisart said...

Big like, love her eyes, shows so well ho she fels :-)

denthe said...

Oh, poor you! You have every reason to feel grumpy and crabby. But you still managed to make a lovely girl and I just LOVE the little quotes! Enough to make you smile, no!?

Janet said...

You may be grumpy but I'm all smiles! Your girl is wonderful. She has a mystique about her that just draws me in.

Sorry about all your problems. That's usually the way it goes for me...if one thing goes wrong, then everything goes wrong. Hang in there...and keep painting!

bellefrogworks said...

It's the "small" stuff that makes us grumpy! I don't think that all portraits have to be happy and lovely - I like interesting much better. Your young lady is very interesting!

veronica said...

she has a pretty eye!

Cindy D. said...

Haha! Art would be boring if people only drew when they were happy. I think she's cool. She's not so much crabby as seriously considering the best course of action.

Saskia said...

Gorgeous work!

Smiles, Saskia :)

Giggles said...

Awe,,,,poor you...I think she represents how we all feel at one time or another...a very good tribute to the truth of your day!! Hope your week has an upswing!!

She is very pretty even with all that raw emotion!!

Hugs Giggles

Ivy said...

She's wonderful! I just love the color them you used for this one.

Mandel said...

In art it doesn't always have to be about the pretty faces. This one has an expression and that makes your piece of art unique...

Mandel :)