Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Illustration Friday - NEW

It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the NEW.  But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful.  There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.  - Alan Cohen
It is the first day of the new year - can't believe how quickly time has been flying by - our oldest son will be 16 very shortly.  While he is a very responsible young man, the thought of him spreading his wings and getting independence on the road makes this mama pretty nervous.

Time to embrace NEW - I'm normally not so great with new - I like what is known and comfortable - I miss my boys being little and thinking that we had all life's answers. . .

Hence the vaguely worried look in this gal's face. . . a bit of wistful yearning for the past mixed in with cautious optimism for the future. . . the look of a woman that isn't so good with NEW.
Linking to Illustration Friday - NEW.


Michelle said...

Michelle, this girl is just beautiful! Wow!

I'm sure your son will embrace his own "new" successfully (and responsibly), allowing you a gentle transition into your own "new" phase of motherhood. :-)

Anonymous said...

Great work!!! Have a great new year!!!

Kimberly Jones said...

Michelle, she's so pretty! I understand the worry, as the mother of a newly-minted 16 year old myself! I miss those early days too. I like "new" and change, but sometimes the old days seem so sweet!

Unknown said...

She does look concerned but also very empathetic. Not to worry - even if your son spreads his wings a little and flies away a bit, he will come back too. It is bittersweet - to be sure. Your lady is very beautiful and elegant with her long neck and coiffed hair.