Sunday, February 10, 2013

29 Faces - Day 10


I believe that Retro Clark is smitten with his new partner in the art journal.  She could use a little sun but it has been winter - maybe I'll get her some bronzing powder.
Linking to Sunday Sketches. 
Join the fun at 29 faces!!


denthe said...

This is weird, I just left a comment and then I got an error-message. Never had that before. So I have to try again to see if it works now.... Lovely couple! He sure looks as if he fancies her!

carol l mckenna said...

Absolutely wonderful illustrations with so much personality ~

Carol of : (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

Heather said...

very nice. Retro Clark is sooo handsome!

Debbie said...

i love how your brought out the highs and lows in your faces. great job!

Denise G said...

Ohhhh, I LOVE these! The brown paper, collage and rich black favorites..These are super great!

Melanie said...

They look verey good togheter.
Liefs, Melanie

alarmcat said...

yes, he is definitely smitten!!

Lynn Cohen said...

What a hunk of a stud your lady has found. I hope they hit it off and become a loving couple. At least have some fun dates. Her face looks fine, but anything you do will only enhance the beauty already there! Happy Sunday Sketching!

trish said...

Terrific fun stuff here! I love the dots you add to the edges of the faces - a unique feature that clearly marks them as your work!

Janet said...

He doesn't seem to mind that she isn't tanned...some people have very light skin that never tans. I think she's one of those...just like me!