Thursday, February 14, 2013

29 Faces - Day 14 "ISA"

Origin:  German
Meaning:  Strong-willed 
She looks like a tough, take charge kind of girl, doesn't she? 
HUSBAND - "It is a shame that someone is trying to shoot her."
ME - "What are you talking about?!!"
HUSBAND - "Looks like a rifle sight is aimed at her face."
ME - "Ewww.  I thought it would be cool to leave the drawing lines on her face."
HUSBAND - "Ya, sure.  Whatever you say. . ." 
Join the fun at 29 faces!!


denthe said...

Haha! Love the little conversation with your husband! And I love how your girls always have their own character. The colors are fantastic!

Unknown said...

Bellissima Isa!

alarmcat said...

love the bold colors going on there!!

Stacy's Paper Crafts said...

This is so beautiful! Would you be willing to share what coloring medium(s)you used? The colors are so vibrant :)

Kimberly Jones said...

Love the drawing lines, She looks fierce!

Melanie said...

Wow, what a nice drawing. So nice to see the lines.
Liefs, Melanie

Janet said...

That little observation from your husband made me laugh. Sometimes they just don't get it! She looks great!!