Sunday, February 1, 2015

29 Faces - Day One

It is time for the 29 Faces challenge (sponsored by Ayala Art) again - It is always such fun but it can be tricky to find the time to fit all of them in.  I've decided to primarily do ACEO cards this go around since their small size is quicker to do.  
Linking to Sunday Sketches


rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

What fun ~ 29 Faces! While I'm not participating, I will assuredly be enjoying the many artful contributions - like this one of yours. Wonderful!

Enjoy the month of faces!

alarmcat said...

that's a good size to work with!! glad to see you participating again!!

elteee said...

Your faces are so wonderful and go perfectly with your quirky quotes! What a great resource for fun quips. Looking forward to seeing all 29 Faces!