Thursday, September 27, 2012

29 Faces (Day 27) - Modigliani-ish

 Used watercolors and colored pencils for a simple homage to Modigliani and his lovely long-necked ladies.  Back in May I painted "Mildred" in acrylic paints and decided it was time to revisit my inner Modigliani.  Do you like her quote?
"She would have loved to go around and slap every one of them in their silly, happy faces."
 When I am bored and not feeling particularly creative then I go through some of my vintage books looking for quirky quotes to cut out.  I have a whole bag of them to go through when I want to embellish a picture.
Check out all the fabulous faces this month at Ayala Art!


denthe said...

Lol! love that quote! Sometimes I feel like that too! Do you just take phrases from a book? Your Modigliani-girl is gorgeous!

bellefrogworks said...

The girl is wonderful (tho I am not sure how you would say Modigliani-ish! It's a fun quote as well.

Unknown said...

I think this is my favorite so far! Love the quote too - perfect for her expression.

veronica said...

she is rather smug, isn't she?!
Perfect quote. said...

I love her expression and long neck. This is a great painting, love the quote too, what a good idea to collect them like you do:)

Janet said...

This quote had me laughing. I'm going to try your idea of cutting things from old books. This face is very intriguing...she has a mysterious expression.